Unlike medical blood sample testing, you are able to see and take photos of your blood health immediately, fresh from a drop taken from your fingertip. See what belongs and what does not.
Healthy Blood = Healthy People
What we eat and drink truly matters.
Enjoy healthier versions of your favorite foods.
Observing the contents of your urine can really help to identify why you're experiencing some of the symptoms you are. Once those issues are corrected in your diet, your output analysis will be proof of your improvements.
See what foods are causing your health concerns. Learn simple kitchen tweaks that make a huge difference towards reaching your optimal health goals.
The lines have it! Your facial lines can tell a story about your health, then we will discuss dietary recommendations to reverse or prevent those issues.
Health observation techniques developed in the mid 1800s and still widely used to this day. A complex study of the human anatomy through characteristics and patterns of the eye as they relate to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system.
By placing tiny magnets, seeds, or stones at various acupressure junctures of the ear that correlate with physical or emotional issues, symptoms have been shown to improve.
It is recommended to change out these acupressure stimulators once weekly for best results during therapy.
Relax, unwind, and enjoy full stress relief relaxation. Whole Body Vibration and Far Infra-Red Sauna Therapy also available.
Calm the stressful worries of life. Each emotion has an internal vibration. Small emotions like a whirlwind, to HUGE stresses that feel more like a hurricane or Sunami raging through us.
Custom Remedies are created specifically for you based on your response to 39 simple questions. The results are so great, almost immediately. Long term use is never needed as the emotions balance out after typically 2-4 therapy rounds.
Out of the hundreds of essential oils available on the market, Dr. Roe only recommends 5:
1. Oregano Oil for support against Bacterial, Fungal, and Viral Infections.
2. Peppermint Oil for getting rid of headaches and for respiratory improvement.
3. Clary Sage for male and female hormone balance.
4. Frankincense for pain and female support.
5. Marjoram for pain.
Must haves for every medicine cabinet.