We specialize in alkaline antioxidant water for your cooking and drinking. Toxin free, alkaline antioxidant water is the single most important improvement you can make for your family's overall health.
Great for all pets (except fish) also.
Our whole house water treatment systems are unique and remove over 116+ specifically targeted toxins from the water throughout your home that other companies do not.
Softened water for silky hair and skin; with the reduced risk of kidney stones. Plus, pipes and appliance last longer without hard water deposit buildup. HOWEVER, a water softener alone cannot remove chlorine or 116+ other toxins from getting into our home, sinks, baths, and absorbed through your skin.
Typically, our Whole House Toxin Reduction Unit (above) can remove the amount of iron allowed into your home from your local municipality, aquafer, or well. Yet, SOMETIMES, the iron and eggy smelling iron bacteria is soooo high, adding an Iron Breaker is a necessity. We always test your water. We never sell any piece of equipment you do not need.
PERFECT for RVs, Apartments, Condos, Hunting Trips, and Emergency Preparedness. As one of our full-time RV clients declared, this easy to tote portable unit is:
"Purdy and Sturdy"
Jack C.
Portable Stainless Steel with Handles
Two sizes to choose from:
Small 2 Gal: 15" wide x 13" deep x 16.5" tall
Large 4 Gal: 21" wide x 12" deep x 16.5" tall