Example 1:
Q: Do mosquitoes create swamps?
A: NO, they are attracted to the muck of the swamps!
Example 2:
Q: Do rats create sewers?
A: NO, they are attracted to the muck of the sewers!
Example 3:
Q: Do ants cause spilled ice cream at a picnic?
A: NO, they are attracted to the sweet sticky mess.
What happens to the mosquitoes when the swamp is no longer stagnant and water begins flowing constantly? THE MOSQUITOES GO AWAY!
What happens to the rats when the sewer is cleaned up and leftover food and debris is no longer abundant? THE RATS GO AWAY!
What happens to the ants when the spilled ice cream at a picnic is wiped up and the area rinsed clean? THE ANTS GO AWAY!
DisEASE of ANY kind cannot flourish in a clean, healthy, environment. If there is nothing inside of your body for the DISease to eat, it cannot thrive. It will die off and be eliminated; OR, be flushed away with proper hydration.
You may have tested your saliva pH at some point in your life; but, did you know the pH of your saliva can fluctuate throughout the day -- based on what you ate or drank. The pH of your saliva can change even with your mood!
To gain a true understanding of the pH of your internal health, it is best to test the pH of the urine. Why? Because the urine is a direct reflection of the floods that have passed through your body tissue and organs.
The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) is a tool like none other. It allows you to see within just a few minutes whether or not your sugars, urine and saliva pHs, salts, debris, and proteins are within normal limits, healing range, or in need of immediate dietary and hydration adjustment to correct.
"Writings on hygiene and health have been accessible for centuries, but never before have books and magazines on these subjects been as numerous as they are today. Most of the information is so general, vague and indefinite that only a few have the time and patience to read the thousands of pages necessary to learn what to do to keep well. The truth is to be found in the archives of medicine, in writings covering a period of over thirty centuries, but it is rather difficult to find the grains of truth.
Health is the most valuable of all possessions, for with health one can attain anything else within reason. A few of the great people of the world have been sickly, but it takes men and women sound in body and mind to do the important work. Healthy men and women are a nation's most valuable asset.
It is natural to be healthy, but we have wandered so far astray that disease is the rule and good health the exception. Of course, most people are well enough to attend to their work, but nearly all are suffering from some ill, mental or physical, acute or chronic, which deprives them of a part of their power. The average individual is of less value to himself, to his family and to society than he could be. His bad habits, of which he is often not aware, have brought weakness and disease upon him. These conditions prevent him from doing his best mentally and physically."